Buying Freeholds

Posted by Vista 84 Friday, February 1, 2013 0 comments

o qualify, the leaseholders need to meet certain conditions including that no individual owns more than two flats in the building, the leases when originally granted were for a length in excess of 21 years and that the number of leaseholders who agree to buy the freehold is no less than half the number of flats in the building, or in the case of a building with only two flats then both leaseholders need to agree. To further qualify, the building also need to meet certain conditions and these include that it contains at least two flats, that at least two thirds of the flats are owned by qualifying leaseholders and that no more than 25% of the building is used for commercial purposes i.e. any use that is not residential. As with all things legal there are exceptions and you need to take legal advice.
If the property in question is a house then to qualify you need to have held the lease for at least the last two years, the lease when it was originally granted was for a length in excess of 21 years and the lease must cover the whole house, not just an individual flat or maisonette.
The freeholder is required to tell the leaseholders the price and terms for buying the freehold interest. The leaseholders can only accept or reject the offer, they are not legally entitled to negotiate a different one. If the offer is rejected then the landlord can make exactly the same offer to a third-party. However, if the landlord changes any part of the offer to a third-party then he must re-offer it to the leaseholders again on the same terms as the revised offer.
To qualify, the leaseholders must meet certain conditions including either being a regulated tenant or the original lease being longer than 21 years and with no one leaseholder owning more than three flats in the building. A leaseholder who has an AST or assured tenancy does not qualify. In addition, the building must meet certain conditions and these are that it contains at least two flats, 50% or less of the building is in commercial use i.e. not residential, and that more than 50% of the flats are owned by leaseholders who qualify.
For any offer made by the landlord to be accepted requires more than 50% of the qualifying leaseholders to agree to it. The price is set either by the landlord or by auction if the landlord decides to sell that way. There is no right for the price to be determined by a Valuation Tribunal or any other third party. The leaseholders cannot force the freeholder to sell or accept what might be called a market value for the property. To do this the leaseholders must use the Leasehold Reform Act 1993.

Car Leasing And Contract Hire

Posted by Vista 84 0 comments

Sales would surge one month, completely go flat the next and it has been difficult for many of us to manage cash flow and the repayment of debt. Company and small business credit has taken a hit and damage has been done, yet we still push forward to improve our businesses and try to grow them into the future. The situation makes us hesitant to take on new debt or try to finance new equipment even though it is absolutely necessary if we are to survive. New equipment will allow us to offer the latest product or services or simply keep up with the growing market trends in our industries.
It's time to apply for that new machine but we cringe at what the procedure might reveal. A solid solution which many progressive finance companies are offering is called the Credit Preview; it is a step which can take a lot of pain out of the application process. A preview doesn't cost you anything and will provide valuable information on the condition of your company.
The Credit Preview entails taking your basic minimal business and financial information and reviewing it to determine if there is good potential for a finance approval without requiring all of your tax returns, financial statements, debt schedule, etc. It will save you time, stress and energy since the preview will offer quick feedback on the chances of getting approved. Finance companies understand it doesn't make sense to dig out 2-3 years of financials if your business has no chance for the type of approval you're wanting.
Vendor Quote or Proposal detailing how much equipment, labor, etc. is involved. The underwriter wants to see how much "soft" costs like labor and consultation is part of the purchase as opposed to "hard" costs like equipment and machines.
That's all that is needed. The Credit Preview process will provide a much better analysis than those online "quickie" finance credit reviews which only checks your credit score; the preview checks 8 different areas to get a true picture of where you stand and how to move forward. Even with damaged credit, at least you will know some of your alternatives.

Equipment Financing Expert

Posted by Vista 84 0 comments

A library full of encyclopedias is now dwarfed with the material we can all download on the internet. It allows us to be much more informed and knowledgeable but does it make us experts in any specific area? Most likely not. Information without a directed relevance in a specific area fails to give us true understanding. Knowledge without hands-on experience through testing, trial and repetition is only "book knowledge" without real world experience. But this differentiation can be confusing to some.
Do you go to your doctor and advise him how to examine you? You might go in and tell him what you feel might be wrong based on your observations and knowledge but you certainly wouldn't go through their protocol for examination. You might have read tons of articles about what "might" be wrong but you don't have ten, twenty or thirty years of experience and focused training treating these types of issues.
We often get calls from equipment vendors and customers wanting to know more about the finance process so they are aware themselves and on how to inform their clients. It is great to know multiple areas of your business process but to try to become an expert in each area is self defeating and disastrous. The complexity of many businesses has outdated the idea that the owner had to be an expert in each area of their company. Our office spends countless hours doing one main thing; evaluating financials, creating profiles and structuring programs that fit a particular need. Would you expect to read a few articles on business financing and do what we do as effectively? Even if you were a savvy CFO with years of experience; you would not have spent more than 10% of your time involved with equipment financing because there are various other duties which CFOs are responsible for.

Car Leasing Services For Individuals Hampered

Posted by Vista 84 0 comments

This kind of financing service has a similarity to the financial solutions offered by institutions; however, car leasing for people with bad credit records is unique because it focuses on people whose credit standing are not in optimum. Of course, those people who do not have stained credit records can likewise get this service. Car leasing for people with bad credit is interchangeably called as Non Status Car Leasing.
Why is This Beneficial?
Non Status Car Leasing services provide many benefits and advantages to any individual who needs a car in spite of financial constraints. You might be thinking that the rates of this kind of financial service are higher compare to regular car leasing services. There are a few companies that offer lower rates in order to provide everyone the chance to have their own cars at very affordable prices. Another notable benefit of Non Status Car Leasing services is the fact that it has various payment schemes that will definitely benefit clients. Additionally, the payment schemes are flexible. In other words, regardless of your earnings every month, the leasing company should be able to find a solution for your needs.
What are the Requirements to Get This Financial Service?
The very first requirement - and undoubtedly the most important - is a proof that you earn a specific amount of money every month. Almost all financial institutions need your proof of because this will prove that you have the capacity to pay although your credit standing bad. The second indispensable requirement is a permanent address. This is so because the company offering Car Leasing bad credit services would want to be assured that you will not run away from your obligations to pay your dues when they approve your application. Lastly, you should present 2 valid IDs. These IDs should contain your most recent photo, your signature, address and your full name.